two more shots that show him wearing hoodies in the winter. i guess i was the one who just put him in a hoodie and figured he would be warm enough. maybe i cultivated a cold climate kid. he is so young in that top shot, he certainly would not have been telling me what he wanted to wear. but maybe he did. i only remember him having one really heavy parka.
the kids ate a lot of meals in front of the tv with their food in a bowl which was in a larger bowl and there was a dish towel on their lap to catch spills. note the pink plastic spoon from baskin robbin's...our favorite cutlery.
love those knees. i'm surprised to see him with a bottle. i hardly ever let him have one. it was so hard getting the bottle away from ellen, that i tried to not let him have one. but, that is probably why he was so attached to his binkies.
the year of the big flood in des moines. we went out to montana on a trip while des moines fixed the water system. here the boys are sitting in buckets of water...just for fun. later there will be photos of shooting off firecrackers. they probably enjoyed the firecrackers more than sitting in buckets of water. i think hunter has the most perfect dead-pan look.
i think this was the first time he went with a sculptural cut. notice the old school video game. i think it was even before they invented batteries. probably powered with coal.
this is a fun one where there were concentric circles. he also had one that was a checkerboard, but i don't know if we ever took a good picture of that one. or maybe this is the checkerboard. i can't tell. it was taken at wall drug store in wall south dakota.
this was at the science center in st louis. the machine was supposed to make your hair stand on end with static electricity, but his already was standing on end.
i guess he wore a winter jacket when the hockey coach handed them out and told the guys they had to wear them. love that snappy beret. i don't think he wore it very often, but it looks great on him.
this was the year he wanted a mower for christmas. and notice that he only wore a hoodie. no winter jacket. amazing that even at two years old, he would not let anyone push him around...and into a winter jacket
he liked cooking as much as playing with toys. in fact, he watched cooking programs on TV rather than any of the kids programing. he did not even know the names of the characters on sesame street.
there is an earlier photo with his 5 binkies. here he is getting things all set up for the photo. the photo on the right came first. he is pushing his little foot stool into place. the cubbie hole is what we called the penalty box. when the boys played kitchen-hockey, it was the goal.
he put his blanket sleeper on up-side-down. those are the sleeves that are on his legs and he has his arms in the feety part. i remember that in high school he mentioned that he still wished he had feety pajamas to wear